
IE3 Efficiency Motor
IE3 Efficiency Motor IE3 Efficiency level with Annex I and Annex II of 640/2009/EC 0.75kW~15kW 2 Pole 60Hz 3~ 220V / 50Hz 3~ 380V Issuer: TUV Rheinland Issue Date: 2015/4/16

UL 1004-1:2012 / CAN/CSA-C22.2
UL 1004-1:2012 / CAN/CSA-C22.2 Blower motor of Single phase and Three phase Issuer: TUV Issue Date: 2012/10/25

CE Blower
CE Blower EC Council Directive 2014/30/EU Issuer: TUV Issue Date: 2017/04

CE Mark 遠心式ブロワー
CE Mark 遠心式ブロワー Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU Issuer: TUV Issue Date: 2021/09

CE Mark サイドチャネルブロワー
» CE Mark サイドチャネルブロワー Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Issuer: TUV Issue Date: 2021/08